Retired Employes

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Full Name: naresh
Event: Retirement
Date of Event: 2024-11-16
Occupation: Business
Native Place: hyd

Employee Group: Bank & Insurance co. Employees

Position: sss

Business Established: 0000-00-00

Full Name: Vattem vijay kumar
Event: Retirement
Date of Event: 2024-10-19
Occupation: Business
Native Place: hyd

Employee Group: Corporate Sector Employees

Position: dsasd

Business Established: 0000-00-00

Full Name: virat
Event: Retirement
Date of Event: 2024-11-23
Occupation: Business
Native Place: delhi
District: sddd
State: aaa

Employee Group: Other Employees

Position: aaa

Business Established: 0000-00-00

Full Name: rana
Event: Shastipurthi
Date of Event: 2024-12-17
Occupation: Business
Native Place: delhi
District: sddd
State: telangana

Employee Group: Corporate Sector Employees

Position: sss

Business Established: 0000-00-00

Full Name: ram
Event: Shastipurthi
Date of Event: 2024-12-17
Occupation: Business
Native Place: delhi
District: sddd
State: telangana

Employee Group: Corporate Sector Employees

Position: sss

Business Established: 0000-00-00